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New posts in jenkins-plugins

How do I modify a Jenkins plugin to stop it from putting a link on build pages?

Complex and long single-job Jenkins Job Pipeline Builds: There yet?

How to avoid undesired "animated" console output on Jenkins

Jenkins 2 Multibranch Pipelines - How can I limit the visibility/execution of branches using the Role Strategy Plugin?

Preventing expansion of environment variables in Jenkins job parameters

Keep jenkins slave offline when user logs into Windows

Is there a Jenkins Plugin that allows you to manually manipulate the build queue

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Jenkins and Git configuration issue

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Jenkins unable to generate test report due to NoClassDefFoundError - ParseResultCallable

What is the easiest way to display information on the Jenkins UI from a groovy system script?

Check a plugin exists within a Jenkins Pipeline (Groovy)

Multi branch pipeline with bitbucket build status notifier plugin in jenkins

Developing Jenkins post-build plugin