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New posts in jenkins-2

should I use Jenkins heavyweight or flyweight executors for notifications?

Jenkins 2.0 Pipeline Stage View display multiple branches

Invoke a remote jenkins file from another Jenkinsfile

Configure Jenkins 2.0 with Ansible

Jenkins Multi-Pipeline Build Not Detecting Changes in Repository

Jenkins 2 NPM_TOKEN credential

Jenkins: how to trigger pipeline on git tag

Jenkins declarative pipeline: find out triggering job

Use stash notifier plugin on Jenkins 2.0 multibranch pipeline

Jenkins 2 Multibranch Pipelines - How can I limit the visibility/execution of branches using the Role Strategy Plugin?

Is there an easy way to convert existing Jenkins freestyle job to New Jenkins 2.x pipeline view

Manual post-build action missing in jenkins 2.0

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Error response from daemon: pull access denied for TestDockerImage

Get previous build result

Jenkins kubernetes plugin not working

How to use a FileParameterValue in a jenkins 2 pipeline

Jenkins 2.0 - Create new job

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installing node on jenkins 2.0 using the pipeline plugin

Jenkinsfile get current tag

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How to set github commit status with Jenkinsfile NOT using a pull request builder