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How do I fix a Jenkins HTML report "checksum mismatch"?

I got a brand new Jenkins machine running on Linux Ubuntu. I use HTML Publisher Plugin to publish my html reports. I also use Jsystem to invoke the test scenario.

  • Jenkins 1.643
  • Html Publisher Plugin 1.10

At the end of the test when open the latest html report from the project main page I get this error:

Checksum mismatch

The checksum of the current wrapper file (0dd0c5ec07dff1d7179f03b5deb290e96ac68f8c) does not match the recorded checksum (090f21ac5f8c4b0eed9e789145a2fe2a6134c900). This indicates a possible security issue, therefore Jenkins will not serve this file. You can access the archived HTML files here.

I have checked existence of file and permissions. If I open the report from the job page then everything works.


When I open the report from the job page I have no CSS and many errors. Looks like a security issue.


CSS and Javascript are back, Jenkins had an update on their Content Security Policy. Added args to the Jenkins startup scripts. First issue is still on. :(

like image 237
TTaaLL Avatar asked Dec 22 '15 15:12


People also ask

Which plugin can be used to create test results in HTML in Jenkins?

If you use the TestComplete Support plugin to run TestComplete tests with Jenkins, after the build run is over, the plugin will publish test results to Jenkins automatically. You can view them on the build results page.

1 Answers

It is a bug in that version of the HTML publisher plug in. The bug happens if you have more than one report in your job, mark the publishing option: 'Keep past HTML reports' and then click on the second report.


Solution in https://jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com/job/plugins/job/htmlpublisher-plugin/61/.

Solution is released as 1.11 of the plug in.

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Jocce Nilsson Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 07:10

Jocce Nilsson