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New posts in jboss7.x

Performance costs of having a transaction over multiple EJBs vs. one EJB

java ejb-3.0 jboss7.x

Dependencies in MANFEST.MF ignored on JBoss 7

How to get entity manager or transaction in jpa listener

How do I exclude the JBoss provided javax.persistence module?

Authentication without Role in web.xml in JBoss AS 7

JAAS - Java programmatic Security in Java EE 6 (without @DeclareRoles)

Performance impact of using CDI

Conditional Envers Auditing

Debug Arquillian tests in IntelliJ

HTTP Session in Load Balancer

SLF4J + logback + JBoss 7?

RestEasy Jax-RS in Jboss 7.1 doesn't work

ClassCastException when casting looked-up EJB view in AS7

Creating module in jBoss AS

JBoss 7.0.1 running without jsessionid in the URL is not working

"Standardized" way of handling the lifecycle of a Java EE application

How to configure static resources in jBoss AS 7

JBoss AS 7.1.1 not picking up my JSF implementation

java jsf jboss7.x

The controller is not available at localhost JBOSS.7.1.1.FINAL

linux jboss jboss7.x

Generate an xml file with all dependencies with maven

java maven jboss7.x