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javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"COUNTRY") Expected elements are <{http://www.w3schools.com}COUNTRY>

xml jaxb xsd

JAXB empty element unmarshalling

java xml exception jaxb

Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to JAXBElement<User>

java xml jaxb xsd

JAXB generates List<Jaxbelement> instead of fields

How to state the order of Attributes in XML after using JAXB, either in maven or elsewhere

Parsing/Deserialize XML to JavaObjects

java xml jaxb xsd

Java Unmarshal list of objects with a class wrapper with JAXB

java xml jaxb

Custom Response + HTTP status?

java rest jaxb jax-rs

xsd:datetime and XmlGregorianCalendar causes NullPointerException

java datetime tomcat jaxb jax-ws

Axis2 Databinding jaxbri + Maven: JAX-B RI JARs not on classpath

Proper way to load XSD packaged in a WAR?

jakarta-ee xsd jaxb

java reads a weird character at the beginning of the file which doesn't exist

java xml jaxb

Maven jaxb generate plugin to read xsd files from multiple directories

java maven xsd jaxb

Two Classes have same XML type name

java annotations jaxb

IntelliJ bindingDirectory for jaxb-maven-plugin

Jaxb + jersey. Skipping null fields in generated json

java json jaxb jersey

Namespace: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element

java xml exception jaxb kml

JAXB2-maven only builds in target

jaxb wsdl spring-ws

Convert Soap XML response to Object

java xml soap jaxb

How do I add array indices to the XML produced by JAXB?

java jaxb