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JAXB javaType customization on xs:integer produces @XmlElement with "type=String.class"

java jaxb2 xjc

com.sun.istack.SAXException2 : Instance ... is substituting "java.lang.Object", but ... is bound to an anonymous type

java xml jaxb jaxb2

Two classes have the same XML type name "objectFactory"

java jaxb jax-ws osgi jaxb2

JAXB use String as it is

jaxb jaxb2

Jaxb: How do I generate ObjectFactory class?

java jaxb jaxb2

JAXB: generate Java classes only for a subset of the XSD types

java jaxb jaxb2

JAXB: XmlAdapter for List<Object> items

java jaxb jaxb2

JAXB 2.x : How to override an XmlElement annotation from parent class - Mission Impossible?

How to transform exceptions into return codes using Spring-WS?

Confused as how to use JAXB XML Adapter for my requirement

xml jaxb jaxb2 xmladapter

Skip the Generated on... in Java files using jaxb2 maven plugin

JAXB 2.x: How to unmarshal an XML without knowing the target class?

java jaxb jaxb2 moxy

Validate xml created using jaxb against an xsd file

jaxb jaxb2 xml-validation

Unmarshalling a Socket's InputStream closes the Socket?

Using Jaxb2Marshaller with multiple classes having same @XmlRootElement name

spring-mvc jaxb jaxb2

Duplicated field in generated XML using JAXB

java xml jaxb jaxb2

JAXB exception messages: How to change language?

Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:url, local:"objectname"). Expected elements are <{}objectname>

Handling invalid enum values while doing JAXB Unmarshalling

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