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New posts in java-native-interface

Memory leak shown in MAT as GC root: Native Stack

Android Studio Cmake cannot determine linker language for target

How can I read the window title with JNI or JNA?

How do I fix Eclipse CDT Error "Function 'isdigit' could not be resolved" with Android NDK?

What's the point of the JNI?

how to convert jobject to jstring

What is the correct way to use v8::Locker, and why must I use it?

How to catch UnsatisifiedLinkError when using NDK-built library in an Android app?

How do I avoid UnsatisfiedLinkError when calling C++ from java from C++ application?

relative paths for shared libraries

Integration or build instructions for libjpeg-turbo on Android

Can JNI be made to honour wildcard expansion in the classpath?

Converting jbyteArray to a character array, and then printing to console

Is it possible that JNI function return integer or boolean?

Unable to get JNIEnv* value in arbitrary context

My Python-Java Interface, good design? And how to wrap JNI Functions?

OSX: JavaVM, AWT/Swing and possibly a deadlock

How to create a BMP file from raw byte[] in Java

Unsatisfiedlinkerror in android (eclipse)

Error while compiling android jni sample: invalid -march= option: `armv5te'