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New posts in java-native-interface

Can I use JNI in a Java Applet?

JNI: Library is Found on Path, but Method is not (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError)

Android JNI, how to load library with soname libxx.so.1.2.3

Android, generate jni Header Files with javah , show error that can't find org.opencv.core.Mat

Native Source for java.awt.Robot

running java 5/6 with JNI on java 7 gives stack guard warning

openCV java code pass Point object to native code(C++)?

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: JNI_CreateJavaVM OS-X Xcode

does NewDirectByteBuffer create a copy in native code

How to define const getters for djinni?

May the removal of an unused field cause a garbage collection?

How to use Java with NDK Android?

JNI C++ Debugging Techniques?

Is it possible to make GC manage native object's lifetime?

JNI Uncaught exception of type <unknown> ...how does this happen?

Accessing dll methods in java

OpenCV 2.4.1: UnsatisfiedLinkError

Android : JNI ERROR (app bug): local reference table overflow (max=512)

Is it possible to remove symbols from a shared library built with Android NDK?

call a static JNI method to return a String from C++