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New posts in java-native-interface

How to send a HashMap from Java to C via JNI

android ffmpeg .so download [closed]

JNI FindClass can't find class which uses jar

compiling c file that uses jni.h


Execute a command from Java and NOT wait for the result

Caching JNI objects and thread-safety (in Android)

JNI loading : Warning : Do not hardcode use Context.getFilesDir().getPath() instead

How to get dependencies list for .so file?

NDK: how to build a lib, so that app can work on arm(s), x86, etc.?

jni call to getClass returns null for a jobject

JNI memory management using the Invocation API

JNA UnsatisfiedLinkError - works when I set java.library.path to a bogus value

What is method Descriptor/signature for byte[] byte array using JNI?

JNI - java ArrayList conversion to c++ std::string*

How do I create a symlink in Windows Vista?

How do I access return value of a Java method returning java.lang.String from C++ in JNI?

OpenCV for Android: Simple example to convert Image to Greyscale

JNI proguard obfuscation

How to read a bytearray in JNI?

install rJava - "configure: error: One or more JNI types differ from the corresponding native type"