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New posts in java-ee-6

Java EE SDK 6 is not being installed on windows 7

Do I need to use @Remote when I want to expose an EJB to a different application on same app server?

CDI missing @ViewScoped and @FlashScoped

java seam java-ee-6 cdi

Create interceptor qualifier thats ignore annotation value()

Java EE 6 and Singletons

@RequestScoped CDI injection into @MessageDriven bean

How to inject a CDI Bean in a ManagedBean?

jsf jakarta-ee ejb java-ee-6 cdi

GlassFish, CDI and constructor injection

Is there something analogous to Springs @Transactional annotation available in Java EE 6?

Startup bean not called

Injecting generic Beans with CDI/Weld

Auto-reload changed files in Java

How to inject a @Named bean into a Junit test

java junit java-ee-6 cdi ejb-3.1

Java EE 6 - The Persistent Domain Objects pattern - any successes?

EJB testing strategies?

Is there a way to know if a state is active without catching ContextNotActiveException?

java-ee-6 cdi jboss-weld

Should a stateful session bean implements Serializable

JavaEE 6: @EJB(beanInterface="")

Does CDI make sense if there is no Web layer and hence no HTTP session?

java java-ee-6 cdi ejb-3.1

@PreDestroy not called after session expired