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Gradle: configuration runtime declares a dependency on configuration default which is not declared in the module descriptor for

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sbt, publishLocal, resolve errors

scala sbt ivy publishing

Publish SNAPSHOT artifacts to Maven using IVY - what's the magic?

Maven and Ivy dependency resolution fails with Gradle 6.0

Any best practices or tools for Ivy repositories?

java maven ivy artifacts gradle

Resolving SNAPSHOT dependencies with timestamps from Ivy

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Keep Ivy from including test dependencies



Ivy failed to resolve dependency : What to check, what to do?

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Can we use pom.xml into ANT

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Jenkins (Hudson) - Managing dependencies between parallel builds

can I turn off the .ivy cache all together?

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Ivy Custom Resolvers for Git or TFS

java git ant tfs ivy

error TS5023: Unknown compiler option 'strictTemplates'

Scala SBT / Maven2 Error on OSX: "Error Opening Zip File" -> MissingRequirementError

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Building an Android Project with Ant/Ivy

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gradle transitive dependencies download local ivy

java maven gradle ivy

Ant/Ivy for project building

ant clojure ivy

How to disable dependency resolution during 'package' in sbt

scala sbt ivy