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New posts in build.xml

How to add Ivy to Ant dynamically

java ant ivy build.xml

Build.xml gives issue.."CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect"

windows ant build.xml

Difference between setting classpath in build.xml using fileset and pathelement

java ant classpath build.xml

jenkins error FATAL: Unable to find build script at C:\selenium tests for moveon\moveon4tests1\build.xml

selenium jenkins build.xml

How to compile jars from pom.xml with ant?

java maven ant jar build.xml

How can I use an Ant foreach iteration with values from a file?

Getting and using parent directory through ANT

How do I add a build.xml to an existing GWT project in Eclipse?

java eclipse gwt ant build.xml

ant jar command gives error: "Building MANIFEST-only jar"

eclipse ant build.xml

Can we use pom.xml into ANT

ant maven ivy pom.xml build.xml

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when running java -jar

java ant build.xml

How to include external libraries in Ant build.xml file?

Tool for graphing dependencies in an Ant build file and its imports [closed]

Breaking strings into different lines in ant build.xml files

xml ant build.xml

Running Ant Build.xml getting: Java Virtual Machine Launcher: Could not find the main class. Program will exit

java eclipse ant build.xml

Target "${build.target}" does not exist in the project "LibA" when running Android's build.xml from Gradle

android ant gradle build.xml

Ant include external .jar

java ant jar build.xml

How to encode Java files in UTF-8 using Apache Ant?

java ant encoding build.xml

How to import existing Ant build.xml into IntelliJ IDEA