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New posts in build.xml

ant: order of execution of "depends" target?

java ant build.xml

Importing ZXing - missing core/build.xml

ant zxing core build.xml

ant: ftp task failing due to NoClassDefFoundError

ant ftp task build.xml

NoClassDefFoundError when running Instrumentation test with ant

android ant build.xml

Common targets are not recognized by Eclipse

eclipse ant build.xml targets

Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml, netbeans

How can I specify the path of a JAR in an ant buildfile?

ant build jar jsch build.xml

New to Ant - Problem with relative paths

eclipse ant path build.xml

Eclipse: how to keep project source files and ant build.xml seperate from eclipse workspace?

Build error referencing build.xml and proguard file: "null returned: 1"

Netbeans Export to Jar, include all library files

Difference between private and public targets in ant scripts

Conditional property in Ant properties' file

ant build.xml

SASS to CSS via an ANT task + directory creation

java ant sass build.xml

Target overriding in Ant

java android ant build.xml

How to configure Ivy for Ant build

java ant ivy build.xml taskdef

ant build : unable to locate tools.jar. Expected find it in C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\tools.jar

How to recompile with -Xlint:unchecked in Ant build task?

Where are classpath, path and pathelement documented in Ant version 1.8.0?

ant build.xml