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New posts in iphone-privateapi

Programatically access (your own) iCloud data from a desktop or from a server?

get IMEI on iPhone with CoreTelephony?

How to check if your iOS app code is using an api that is not allowed on the app store?

Programmatically send iMessage using private frameworks

iOS How to use Entitlement.plist to specify property of my app

How can I observe changes to Night Shift on macOS / iOS?

How to turn on VPN from iOS app? (Private APIs OK)

Get iPhone color iOS Sdk

iphone iphone-privateapi

how to run background process on the iOS using private APIs to sync email items without jailbreaking the phone

iOS switch off vibrate on silent programmatically [Private API]

use 3g for internet when connected to adhoc wifi (using private API's)

Releasing an IOSurface

Intensity of custom iPhone vibration

Setting a BBSectionInfo using BBSettingsGateway fails for unclear reason

How to send and receive data using BluetoothManager.framework private API on iOS

How to use iPhone SDK Private APIs

iOS 7, private API to disconnect calls CTCallDisconnect does not work

iOS How to use private API?

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