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New posts in ios5

Custom CALayer - invalid context 0x0

StopUpdatingLocation method not working for iOS5

Dismissing Multiple View Controllers in iOS 5

iOS: Trying to add Navigation Bar to Modal UITableViewController

xCode ios5: How to fade out a label text after an interval?

xcode ios5 uilabel

swipe to delete in a UITableView which is embeded in a UIScrollView

Error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<UIApplication 0x6887a30> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]

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How can I read uitextview text line by line iOS?

ios iphone ipad ios5 uitextview

No audio on iPad with MPMoviePlayerViewController and iOS5, works in the simulator

NSFetchedResultsController keep reference to deallocated delegate controller in storyboard, causing crash

faild to upload app which build by ios5 - relate to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities issue

Programmatically setting UITabBarItem icons with StoryBoards?

iphone xcode ios5

When should I use the weak or strong qualifier with IBOutlets? [duplicate]

Getting access token from facebook SDK in iOS

facebook ios5

IBOutlet properties does not update when using prepareForSegue method

2 errors when calling AudioServicesPlaySystemSound?

MGTwitter is not working

iOS Duration of Splash Screen (Default.png)

ios objective-c ios5