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New posts in ios5

use deprecated methods in iOS 5

Can using __weak attribute to pass parameter to blocks lead to memory leaks?

For Loop Objective C

iOS: Take photo or select from library

iphone ios ios5

Objective-C: Removing NSLog calls from 'Distribution'/production builds?

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UINavigationBar appearance in RubyMotion not working

Is there any way to identify an iDevice user?

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IOS ViewController navigation path - how to navigate back programatically

Init and playing MPMoviePlayerController returns black screen

When does Core Data flush to disk?

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void(^)(NSData*) what does it mean?

ios objective-c xcode ios5

Cast of 'int' to 'CAMediaTimingFunction *' is disallowed with ARC

ipad xcode4.2 ios5

iOS: How can I have my app launch the iMessage app?

objective-c xcode4 ios5

Check if NSEntityDescription key exists

NStimer in not working properly in iOS

How to bold the button text in ios?

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How to pass data back from one view to other View in IOS?

Simulate Location including movement in Xcode 4.2 / iOS5

dismissModalViewControllerAnimated works on self but not parentViewController


How do push notifications on the iPhone determine which users are notified?