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regex and ios5 stringByMatching ==> NSRegularExpression

regex ios5

UIView CAGradient with rounded corners?

iPod Controls in Lockscreen for own App

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UITableView cells not nil at initialization

Drag Down UIView in iOS 5

How do you return from an asynchronous NSURLConnection to the calling class?

objective-c ios5 xcode4

How can I know when nsoperation queue has completed all requests so that I can reload my tableview?

App only rotates in iOS 6 and not in iOS 5

App get Rejected: crashes on launch , but worked fine for me on all devices as well

Take screenshot programmatically iOs 5

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Objective-c Classes runtime definition

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Does TWRequest work for the twitter streaming api?

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iPhone with iOS 5.1 not detected with XCode 4.2

UIEdgeInsets ignored on CGContextDrawImage within a UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions

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iOS app with Storyboard crashing with *'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'The NIB data is invalid.'

Launching an app for iOS 5 and beyond only, a mistake? [closed]

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Can I customize section header in a UITableView? (font, image...)

ios5 uitableview

How do I use multiple parameters with the performSelector: method? [duplicate]

ios objective-c ios5 ios6

what is the use of @[ ] in objective c [duplicate]

Every time my app launches (whether from cold launch or background) I want to have it do something, how do I accomplish this?

ios objective-c ios5 ios6