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NKAssetDownload Download Issues

can multiple tcp sockets be marked as kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP in a VOIP App?

cocoa-touch sockets ios5 voip

Using a UIView as a button

ios ios5 uiview uibutton

UISegmentedControl does not respect divider images set for UIControlStateDisabled

Display a popover view from dynamic prototype cells

Flip animation between two UIViews on a UIViewController

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cordova (ex phonegap) tel: links in <a href> not working in ios5

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CGContextStrokePath triggers EXC_BAD_ACCESS in iOS > 5 [duplicate]

Programmatically take a screenshot combining OpenGL and UIKit elements

How to make the UIViewController semi transparent [duplicate]

How to convert NSString as JSON Format in ios5?

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xCode 3 and SDK iOS 5 (is possible?)

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How can I enable iCloud synchronization for my Core Data database?

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What does this Xcode warning mean? "application executable is missing required architecture. ..."

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Smooth video looping in iOS

Override managedObjectModel in UIManagedDocument

iOS5: Track Finger and Drag Down View Controller Like Notification Center

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Pop the current view using Segues/Storyboard on iOS 5

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Differences between RestKit and AFIncrementalStore

UIPickerView that looks like UIDatePicker but with seconds

iphone ios xcode ios5