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iPhone GPS - Battery Draining Extremely Fast

Inconsistent, but frequent EXC_BAD_ACCESS access with sqlite3_step(statement)

Singleton class for displaying iAds for iPhone

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iOS - Can anyone suggest me how can I integrate gmail account into my app and get the list of all emails?

Running a finite-length background task

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How to merge the videos using AVMutableComposition in iPhone sdk

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How to parse the Manifest.mbdb file in an iOS 5.0 beta 2 without Manifest.mbdx

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Fade out Playback Volume on MPMusicPlayerController on iOS 5

iCloud's loadFromContents - how to deal with UIDocumentStateSavingError & UIDocumentStateEditingDisabled

Open target="_blank" links outside of UIWebView in Safari

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Customize UINavigationBar font

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Storyboard static cells: dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier returns nil

UITableView section header iOS 5

How to set a boolean type property in objective C class

iOS App - Set Timeout for UIWebView loading