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How to parse the Manifest.mbdb file in an iOS 5.0 beta 2 without Manifest.mbdx

I have a backup I made with iOS 5 beta2 (with iTunes 10.5 beta also). But to my surprise, it doesn't contain an mbdx file.

The mbdb file looks same as previous format. How can I match the file ID and file name without Manifest.mbdx?

like image 806
yielding Avatar asked Oct 10 '22 14:10


1 Answers

The hex file name in the backups folder is the SHA hash of the file path appended to the domain, with a "-" in between. So the hash of "DomainName-/path/filename.png" will match to the correct file.

NOTE: App files have their domains prefixed with AppDomain-, like AppDomain-com.supercrazyawesome.myapp. Make sure you include that full string when calculating the SHA hash.

like image 83
Padraig Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10
