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New posts in ios4

How to know when UITextView became first responder

ios ios4 uitextview

Scroll UITextField above Keyboard in a UITableViewCell on a regular UIViewController

ios ios4

How to add custom image in navigation bar button item?

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Create text Stroke for UILabel iphone

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What Techniques Are Best To Live Stream iPhone Video Camera Data To a Computer?

UIActionSheet on iPad is not showing cancel button

iPhone: Incrementing the application badge through a local notification

try & catch in iPhone?

iphone ios4 iphone-sdk-3.0

resignFirstResponder not hiding keyboard on textFieldShouldReturn

xcode ipad ios4 keyboard

How to remember rows selected and maintain them after reload by default in UITableView?

ios iphone objective-c ios4

Determining if UILocalNotification fired with app in foreground or background

How do I close a UISearchDisplayController programmatically?

Apple gyroscope sample code

iphone cocoa-touch ios4

Error saving in the keychain with iphone sdk

iphone ios4 keychain

iOS 4: Remote controls for background audio

iphone audio ios4 avfoundation

How to capture Tap gesture on MKMapView

How to #define an NSString for global use?

objective-c ios4

How do you get implicit dependencies to work with workspaces in Xcode 4?

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Detecting the iPhone's Ring / Silent / Mute switch using AVAudioPlayer not working?

Is ARC really supported in iOS 4? The iOS 4.2 SDK is missing ARC-related symbols at linking time