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Error saving in the keychain with iphone sdk

I use the Apple wraper for the keychain, and try to save a item on it (running in simulator, ios 4.1).

I have not experience with the keychain before.

I get this error:

Couldn't add the Keychain Item. Error - 25299

In KeychainItemWrapper.m line 304:

// No previous item found; add the new one.
result = SecItemAdd((CFDictionaryRef)[self dictionaryToSecItemFormat:keychainItemData], NULL);
NSAssert( result == noErr, @"Couldn't add the Keychain Item." );

This is how I do the save:

- (void) saveKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)value {
    KeychainItemWrapper *keyItem = [[KeychainItemWrapper alloc] initWithIdentifier:key accessGroup:nil];
    [keyItem setObject:value forKey:(id)kSecValueData];
    [keyItem release];

And this are the values that the api try to save:

<CFBasicHash 0x7231f60 [0x320d380]>{type = mutable dict, count = 5,
entries =>
2 : <CFString 0x2e6eb98 [0x320d380]>{contents = "labl"} = <CFString 0x2fb018 [0x320d380]>{contents = ""}
3 : <CFString 0x2e6efb8 [0x320d380]>{contents = "v_Data"} = <CFString 0x727de60 [0x320d380]>{contents = "dit8"}
4 : <CFString 0x2e6ebc8 [0x320d380]>{contents = "acct"} = <CFString 0x2fb018 [0x320d380]>{contents = ""}
5 : <CFString 0x2e6eb58 [0x320d380]>{contents = "desc"} = <CFString 0x2fb018 [0x320d380]>{contents = ""}
6 : <CFString 0x2e6ebe8 [0x320d380]>{contents = "gena"} = <CFString 0x2ffd08 [0x320d380]>{contents = "userCode"}
like image 783
mamcx Avatar asked Nov 29 '10 23:11


2 Answers

I know this is from several months ago, but I just had the same problem and it was painful so I thought I'd share. I solved it by adding this line:

[self.keychainItemWrapper setObject:@"MY_APP_CREDENTIALS" forKey:(id)kSecAttrService];
//@"MY_APP_CREDENTIALS" can be any string.

I found this blog entry very helpful: "In database terms you could think of their being a unique index on the two attributes kSecAttrAccount, kSecAttrService requiring the combination of those two attributes to be unique for each entry in the keychain." (from http://useyourloaf.com/blog/2010/4/28/keychain-duplicate-item-when-adding-password.html).

Also, in Apple's example project using this code, they instantiate KeychainItemWrapper in the app delegate. I don't know if it's necessary, but I like to follow their examples as closely as possible:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions{
//there will be some standard code here.
KeychainItemWrapper *wrapper = [[KeychainItemWrapper alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"MY_APP_CREDENTIALS" accessGroup:nil];
self.keychainWrapper = wrapper;
[self.keychainWrapper setObject:@"MYOBJECT" forKey:(id)kSecAttrService];
[wrapper release];

I think this is a bug in the wrapper code. The logic basically says "Does this entry exist already? No, it doesn't. OK, I'll add it. Oops, you can't add it because it's already there."

You may also need to set kSecAttrAccount; I've never tried it without also setting this value since it's intended to save the username that goes with the password:

[self.wrapper setObject:txtUserName.text forKey:(id)kSecAttrAccount];   
like image 132
Dwayne Driskill Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 02:10

Dwayne Driskill

According to the documentation, the error -25299 you are getting is "errSecDuplicateItem", meaning that the item you are trying to add already exists. Looking at the linked code for KeychainItemWrapper, I would guess that the SecItemCopyMatching call is failing with an error other than errSecItemNotFound (–25300).

like image 9
Anomie Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10
