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Top aligned UILabel, make text stick to top of label view -ios

Is there a way to "top align" a UILabel, that is make text stick to top of label view? As opposed to center aligned vertically, or float in the center of the view, as is the default?

Here is an image of three labels, aligned left, right and center, and a UITextView that is aligned center and top. The text of the textView sticks to the top regardless of the vertical size of the view. Can I do the same thing with a label?

enter image description here

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Mr Ordinary Avatar asked Aug 08 '12 14:08

Mr Ordinary

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Build A Paint Program With TKinter and Python Tkinter Label widget can be aligned using the anchor attributes. In order to calculate the accommodate spacing and alignment of the widget, anchor would help in a better way. Anchor provides several options such as N, W, S, E, NW, NE.

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For better results, you can do this StackView > View > UILabel, because when you just embed an UILabel inside a StackView, the StackView resize to fit UILabel to minimum size. H owever, you also have another way that is handle in a subclass of UILabel that will handle vertical alignment for you when setting its alignment property.

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2 Answers

There's a workaround for it:

  1. Set a height & width constraint to your UILabel with a constant <= to the maximum height|width you want.
  2. Set number of lines to zero.
  3. Set the height in storyboard to fit only one line.
  4. In your code after setting the text of UILabel call sizeToFit.

This would make your UILabel to resize within the bounds of the maximum width & height you want and text will always be top aligned.

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AboulEinein Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09


I used the answer linked above from nevan king in a comment to my question: Vertically align text to top within a UILabel

The code I used is here:

- (void)setUILabelTextWithVerticalAlignTop:(NSString *)theText {     CGSize labelSize = CGSizeMake(250, 300);     CGSize theStringSize = [theText sizeWithFont:targetLabel.font constrainedToSize:labelSize lineBreakMode:targetLabel.lineBreakMode];     targetLabel.frame = CGRectMake(targetLabel.frame.origin.x, targetLabel.frame.origin.y, theStringSize.width, theStringSize.height);     targetLabel.text = theText; }  //linked to a button that sets the text from a UITextView to the label. - (IBAction)setText:(id)sender {      [sourceText resignFirstResponder];     [self setUILabelTextWithVerticalAlignTop:sourceText.text];     [targetLabel setNumberOfLines:0];     [targetLabel sizeToFit];  } 

Here is the project:


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Mr Ordinary Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Mr Ordinary