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New posts in ios4

change position of cancel button in UIAlertView?

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create video from array of UIImages and save the video to iPhone library. AVAssetLibrary +AVFoundation

How does Instagram or Hipstamatic do photo filters?

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iOS: Movement Precision in 3D Space

iPhone app does not run on old device (3G, 3GS, ...) [duplicate]

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Do I need to be in the iOS Developer Program to send my app builds through TestFlight?

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How to know if user has updated app or installed a fresh copy?

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How to connect wireless mouse with iphone? [closed]

iOS 4.2: Flip image using block animations

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iPhone simulator hangs immediately upon launch

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WebSockets client for Objective-C (preferably iOS compatible)

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How to convert unsigned char to NSString in iOS

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Completely Delete Xcode project and all references?

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Core Data Limitations for iOS

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iOS - animate movement of a label or image

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directoryContentsAtPath deprecated iOS 4

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Get list of installed apps on iPhone

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Capturing photos with specific resolution using the UIImagePickerController

Can we retrieve the applications currently running in iPhone and iPad

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How will I be able to remove [NSNull Null] objects from NSMutableArray?