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Images downloaded asynchronously only appear in UITableView after tap or scroll

Transparent app icon for iOS 4?

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How to display picker view in MM-dd-yy format in iOS 5.1?

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Entitlement has value not permitted by a provisioning profile error

"This game is not recognized by game center." iPhone Development

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Splitting a bezier curve

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iOS 3.x support in Xcode 4

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CGAffineTransformMakeScale Makes UIView Jump to Original Size before scale

making a "load more" button in uitableviewcell?

How to get object for key from NSDictionary?

Is it safe to store the flag in NSUserDefaults once purchase is done via In App Purchase?

Removing all non wanted characters using the NSCharacterSet

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Apple Mach-O Linker (id) Error - undefined symbols for architecture i386

jQuery/JS, iOS 4 and $(document).height() problems

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Copy first 10 objects of NSMutableArray to another NSMutable Array

Loop through NSDictionary to create separate NSArrays

How to get [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:] and High Res Images working

if(NSOrderedAscending == result) can someone explain this

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