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iOS 3.x support in Xcode 4

Is it possible to write apps that support iOS 3.x versions using Xcode 4? If so, how? And does Apple have any official recommendations on app backwards-compatibility?

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jrdioko Avatar asked May 20 '11 16:05


People also ask

What iOS does Xcode support?

This version of Xcode: Includes SDKs for iOS 16, iPadOS 16, macOS 12.3, tvOS 16, and watchOS 9. Supports on-device debugging in iOS 11 or later, tvOS 11 or later, and watchOS 4 or later. Requires a Mac running macOS Monterey 12.5 or later.

What version of iOS does Xcode 12.4 support?

The Xcode 12.4 release supports on-device debugging for iOS 9 and later, tvOS 9 and later, and watchOS 2 and later. Xcode 12.4 requires a Mac running macOS 10.15. 4 or later.

Does Xcode 13 support iOS 11?

The compiler supports this flag with deployment targets of macOS 11, iOS and iPadOS 14, tvOS 14, watchOS 7 and later.

What version of Xcode is needed for iOS 14?

Xcode 14 includes everything you need to develop, test, and distribute apps across all Apple platforms.

2 Answers

To get your app successfully run in iOS 3.x device, follow these steps (Xcode 4.2):

  1. Click on your project name, select your Target and under "Build Settings"

    a) Set "iOS development target" (under "Deployment") to 3.0

    b). Add "armv6" to list of "Architectures" (under "Architectures").enter image description here

    c) Set "Other Linker Flags" (under "Linking") to "-weak-lSystem".

  2. In your Info.plist file remove value of "armv7" from "Required device capabilities" (UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities).

  3. In your code:

    a). Do not use userInterfaceIdiom. If you need to know, what device is it (iPhone or iPad), see How does one get UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() to work with iPhone OS SDK < 3.2.

    b) Do not use window.rootViewController. Instead use [window addSubview: self.mainViewController.view]; to add your main controller's view to window.

  4. Click on your project name, select your Target and under "Build Phases" / "Link Binary With Libraries" set "UIKit.framework" to "Optional". Also set to optional any extra framework, which is not available in iOS 3. For example, if you're using iAd or Twitter frameworks they should be set to optional. Check availability of extra framework in your code before use.

  5. When run on real device, compile app against last version of SDK. To do so, select second item from "Scheme" drop down (otherwise you'll get compile error related to your optional SDKs):

enter image description here

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Mike Keskinov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Mike Keskinov

Yes, you can develop apps that support previous iOS versions with the current iOS SDK.

For official recommendations, see Apple's SDK Compatibility Guide.

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Kristopher Johnson Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11

Kristopher Johnson