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New posts in ios10

UITableView add rows and scroll to bottom

Is it possible for my app to open the Messages app with my iMessage extension activated, on iOS 10?

SFTranscriptionSegment's timestamp is always 0

How to get 'parked location' information of Apple Maps's 'find my car' in iOS 10

ios maps ios10 apple-maps

iOS 11, app not updating location when force killed by user

Launch app from INExtension in SiriKit

Disable iOS 10 Quick Actions Widget

ios widget ios10 3dtouch

Running unit tests in Xcode 8 causes error "could not load inserted library '.../IDEBundleInjection' because image not found"

CoreBluetooth and External Accessory not working in iOS10

applicationWillResignActive called without reason on iOS 10 ( swift 3 )

ios swift ios10

How to install .dictionary file to iOS10?

ios dictionary ios9 ios10

How can I share location from my app to WhatsApp in Swift 3

didReceiveNotificationRequest:withContentHandler - execution time limit?

GIF Image generated on iOS10 no longer loops forever on browser

Leaks in Swift 3 / iOS 10

How to handle Push on App not running state?

(iOS 10, Swift 3) Reading `userInfo` dictionary from a CloudKit notification: How do I cast `[AnyHashable : Any]` to `[String : NSObject]`?

In an MSStickerBrowserViewController on iOS 10, how can I tell which sticker a user selected?

podfile.lock is missing from working copy

xcode7 cocoapods ios10 podfile

How to get the body of a push notification sent from Firebase console in iOS 10 and Swift 3?