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New posts in gif

Are there any good image-manipulating APIs (ImageMagick alternatives) for PHP? [closed]

Javascript proof-of-concept of GIF (re)compression

Sharing Gifs Swift

Is there a trick to creating an animated gif of tv static that will allow it to be relatively small?

gif animated-gif lzw

Get frames per second of a gif in python?

PIL is showing all the previous frames in the gif

Google appengine Send local gif as an email attachment

How can I save a gif with a transparent background?

c# .net gif

Slow gif animation with SwiftGif

rotate a .gif image on google maps api v3?

vbox and hbox in extjs

javascript jquery html extjs gif

How to decode the application extension block of GIF?

decode gif animated-gif

Loading gif for a winform

winforms loading gif

How to handle PNG image loading time in html, css

html css load png gif

Controlling GIF Animations with Jquery?

jquery gif

Gif Animated Files in C# have Lower framerates than they should

c# performance gif frame-rate

How to resize animated GIF with HTML/CSS?

html css twitter-bootstrap gif