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CoreBluetooth and External Accessory not working in iOS10

I am using external hardware device using Bluetooth i getting this error and I am unable to get the permission of Bluetooth it is working until iOS9 but I don't no why this change affect in iOS10 ?

Error :

[CoreBluetooth] API MISUSE: has no restore identifier but the delegate implements the centralManager:willRestoreState: method. Restoring will not be supported

2016-09-17 Couldn't find the "com.apple.private.externalaccessory.showallaccessories" entitlement

enter image description here

Update :

I have seen this bug here https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/61646

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Mayank Patel Avatar asked Sep 17 '16 13:09

Mayank Patel

2 Answers

In my case it worked when I enabled "Uses Bluettoth LE accessories".

Project -> Capabilities -> Background Modes -> Uses Bluetooth LE accessories.

Location of "Uses Bluetooth LE accessories"

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DMJensen Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11


I had to whitelist all accessories, that I was planing to use in my application. It is done by adding 'protocol names' for each accessory to the info.plist. search for needed array type key for text 'Supported external accessory protocols' or add by key 'UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols'.

Once this is done, you should stop receiving this issue.

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Vitaliy Gervazuk Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11

Vitaliy Gervazuk