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Can't change primary language in iTunes Connect

I have submitted my first App to the AppStore. Unfortunately I've notice that the primary language is set to German instead of English. I've try to change the primary language but the error occurred:

In order to change this app’s primary language to Englisch (USA), each version must already have the required Englisch (USA) screenshots.

But I've already uploaded screenshots for German and English (USA). Have anyone encountered the same issue?

Thank you for your help.

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we7ee Avatar asked Aug 27 '16 23:08


People also ask

How do I change the primary language in Itunes connect?

Open "System Preferences" Open "Language & Region". There is list of "Preferred language" on the left panel. Click on the button "+" under the list and add English language as primary.

How can I change the language in App Store Connect?

Answer: A: Open Apple store(app store) -> open your account (from right top) -> Setting -> Country or Region -> select your desire country or region and save it.

What is primary language in app store?

Primary language is the main language of the app. For all locals where you do not offer a localized version of your store listing, the App Store will automatically show your primary language.

2 Answers

I had the same issue, since I've added a build to it. I removed the build and changed the language. Beware to select the language according the the app store list.

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Chen Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10


With Apple support's help, I was able to resolve this issue. Hopefully, this will work for you. Here's what they had to say:

...this is [may be] caused by the Apple Watch section in Media Manager. Please uncheck the “Use XX_LANGUAGE_XX Apple Watch” in the app’s English localization.

I had to uncheck that for everything - Watch, tvOS and anything else I could find. I was able to change the language after that. I hope this helps.

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MK_Dev Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10
