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New posts in ios10

Can't Upload .ipa from Xcode 8, "The info.plist indicates a iOS app, but submitting a pkg or mpkg."

swift xcode ios10 xcode8 ipa

Shortcuts or autofill for contact info in UITextFields

ios uitextfield ios10

UIFeedback Haptic Engine called more times than was activated

Get image from Contact Swift

swift ios10

locationManager deprecated in Swift 3?

Accessing Core Data from both container app and extension

Got an error when trying to get the geolocation in safari on iOS 10

geolocation ios10

The "prefs" URL Scheme is not working in iOS 10 (Beta 1 & 2)

swift url-scheme ios10

Multipeer Connectivity Not Connecting Programmatically

iOS 10, UIToolbar background color does not change

FB Login using Swift 3 not returning any values and not get back the user to the App after successful login

Animate navigation bar barTintColor change in iOS10 not working

ios swift2 ios10

Universal Links not working on iOS10

A console full of <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> - Xcode 8 / iOS10

On iOS 10, GLTF-WebGL app crashes, Application is build using WKWebView

FetchedResultsController Swift 3 API Misuse: Attempt to serialize store access on non-owning coordinator

Detecting GSM Call States in IOS 10 (Swift 3, Xcode 8) and Notification from Background state

What is the difference between UIImage(named:) and UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName:)?

ios swift uiimage swift3 ios10

Can you hide app widgets from appearing under the 3D touch quick actions?

ios swift3 ios10 3dtouch

Cannot convert value of type 'NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>' to specified type 'NSFetchRequest<T>'

ios swift core-data ios10