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New posts in internet-explorer-10

How is win-listview height set? - WinJS

IE 10 - File download issues

CSS3 ch unit inconsistent between IE9+ and other browsers

JQuery Ajax not working in IE10

How to disable java out-of-date ActiveX control blocking feature in Internet Explorer

How can I detect IE10 from JS when browser mode is IE9?

ImageButton does not fire a post back on IE10

IE9, tables, and display: block

backside-visibility not working in IE10 - works fine in webkit

Dropzone.js Drag & Drop does not work in IE10

window.devicePixelRatio does not work in IE 10 Mobile?

Listen to password reveal event

hashchange event not triggered in IE10 & IE11 with combo of history.pushState and url manual manipulation

Visual Studio fails debugging JavaScript in IE9 - says "The correct version of pdm.dll is not registered"

getSelection() broken in IE10

Html/Text selection in IE10

Form Reset causes "out of stack space" error with jquery.validation

Convert VBScript to Javascript

HTML5 Input type=Number Polyfill not working in IE10