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New posts in internet-explorer-10

Detect Orientation Change on IE10 Metro with JavaScript

Video.js breaks IE9 and IE10 under certain, unknown, parameters

IE10 Repaint/Redraw issue

Disable Browser Rubber Band effect in Windows Phone 8 HTML5 App?

What exactly is "IE5 quirks" in IE 10 Developer Tools? [duplicate]

How do I add Internet Explorer 10 support to a simple VueJs component?

How to recreate perspective-origin effect by transforming child elements?

IE10 is reading IE8 conditional comments

IE 10 crash in web application

ie10, ie11 issue with skewX (double use causes rendering issues)

Jquery Ajax call works in all browser except ie 10

ajax internet-explorer-10

IE (10) how to remove dotted outline of input element

Range slider input event not firing in IE 10

Border-radius causes weird behaviour in IE9, IE10 and IE11

Any way to support/shim button form attribute in IE10?

html internet-explorer-10

JavaScript not working on Internet Explorer 10

Space between touch points on IE10

Object doesn't support property or method 'transformNode' in Internet Explorer 10 (Windows 8)

CSS filter grayscale image for IE 10

Windows Phone 8 IE10 Javascript debugging