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New posts in hashchange

Cross-domain hash change communication

How to fix window.location issue in iOS9 UIWebview

jquery ajax history and bookmarking plugin

When using Ajax History and Bookmark, is it always good to use "#!" instead of just "#"?

Enabling back/fwd key events for an Ajax Application

Disabling hashchange listener when updating hash programatically (jQuery BBQ)

jsdom hashchange event

node.js hashchange jsdom

How to detect automatic scrolling to anchors?

Is it possible to capture the window.location.replace event?

Angularjs history support for IE6 and IE7

binding hashchange event in IE7 issue

Stop loading of images on a hashchange event via JavaScript or jQuery

IE 8 shows raw ajax response on page reloading with jQuery BBQ

Javascript/jQuery detect hash change only on browser back/forward button click

Javascript : onHashchange Test

Dynamicpage divs flash shortly after loading new content

hashchange event not triggered in IE10 & IE11 with combo of history.pushState and url manual manipulation

Onhashchange with browser buttons only

jquery history plugin