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New posts in internationalization

Internationalization for Dates in django rest framework?

Actions on Google Internationalization

What options do exist now to implement UTF8 in Ruby and RoR?

Dynamic Routing with an MVC Foundation - i18n and l10n

Change encoding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-2 in Javascript

GWT Internationalization Tool

gwt internationalization

symfony language select based on subdomain

Internationalization: Only key name is displayed instead of localized string in Simulator

Create custom MySQL Collation

Image i18n in JSF2

Special characters (and MooTools) are ruining my life

Good way to introduce constant string to i18n internationalization file in grails

How can I analyze why gettext doesn't work?

How to configure Ruby on Rails app to use Buddhist calendar?

FuelPHP ORM database schema for i18n, opinions/suggestions

How do I know the measurement units corresponding to a given locale?

JSF Internationalization f:loadbundle or through faces-config: Performance point

i18n with gettext but without the locale hassle?

How can I used named parameters in a messages.properties file?

Preventing HTML character entities in locale files from getting munged by Rails3 xss protection