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New posts in internationalization

Dynamically generate a list of available languages in Spring MVC

Any app for i18n of models for django in appengine or non-sql?

How to localise a CakePHP plugin?

Rails 3.1 shared client/server templates with support for i18n

PHP web app internationalization

Language selection of web site

Jinja2 translation of links

Java Swing - switch locale dynamically at runtime

Localizing nested Info.plist keys

Is there any javascript library with implementations of sort methods for alphabets such as swedish?

Is there a system for internationalizing C++ streams?

Django makemessages not working for JS files

Sails.js: how to use i18n function in assets/js/files.js

Grails: Organizing i18n bundles

Localization / Internationalization Automation for XCode at Project/file Level for all Strings/ Numbers/ Units at once

Nested property in ResourceBundleMessageSource

Internationalization for constants-hashes in rails 3

.NET Date to string gives invalid strings in Vista Pseudo-cultures

How does the App_LocalResources work with MVC?

Converting UnicodeString to AnsiString