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New posts in internationalization

How to use globalize and sunspot in rails 4

iOS localization for unsupported languages

Matching users with formatted and unformatted phone numbers (from contacts, internationally)

Is there an already existing i18n time unit list in java?

Django i18n along side jQuery Globalize's messages for a single page application

How do you format localized strings to have single words of a sentence be a link?

Custom i18n routing in Symfony

Meteor localization / i18n libs comparison

angular2 i18n Cannot read property 'create' of undefined

VueJs and vue-i18n error

Angular 4 i18n get translation for TS/JS code also

Angular Internationalization ( ngx-translate/ i18n OR i18next )

Angular2 i18n language switch

Is there an existing I18N translation for booleans?

spring i18n: problem with multiple property files

How to write multilingual applications in Clojure?

Refactoring Ruby on Rails i18n YAML files using dictionaries

Excel Macro, inserting internationally valid formula during run-time