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New posts in internationalization

Design considerations for internationalization

Ruby on Rails i18n - Want To Translate Custom Messages in Models

Django: How to get language code in template?

How to make jqueryUI datepicker submit in a different format than what is being displayed?

How can I translate ActiveRecord model class name?

Localization in JSF, how to remember selected locale per session instead of per request/view

Gettext: Is it a good idea for the message ID to be the english text?

Angular 5 internationalization

Database modeling for international and multilingual purposes

How to cast datetime to datetimeoffset?

Internationalization in your projects

How to translate model in Ruby class/module namespace?

Storing and displaying unicode string (हिन्दी) using PHP and MySQL

How do I get localized date pattern string?

Why isn't everything we do in Unicode?

Labeling file upload button

Convert non-ASCII chars from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8

Which encoding uses the \x (backslash x) prefix?

How to make i18n with Handlebars.js (mustache templates)?

How to format localised strings in Swift?