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New posts in internationalization

Java internationalization (i18n) with proper plurals

Write # in yaml (in the string)

Non-English default language for iOS App?

What is the "best" way to store international addresses in a database?

Is there a way to reverse the formatting by Intl.NumberFormat in JavaScript

Rails Internationalization (I18n) in model validations: Possible or not?

django translate variable content in template

How can I test for an expected exception with a specific exception message from a resource file in Visual Studio Test?

complete example of gettext in php

What is the difference between creating a locale for en-US and en_US?

java internationalization

How to add custom Accept-Languages to Chrome for pseudolocalization testing?

How can I make Rails 3 localize my date formats?

Fall back to default language if translation missing

Angular2 i18n at this point?

Localizing strings in iOS: default (fallback) language?

Best practices for internationalizing web applications?

When to use CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(String) or CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(String)

.net internationalization

how to translate the html5 placeholders dynamically

react-intl vs react-i18next for ReactJS internationalization (i18n) [closed]

Passing variables inside rails internationalization yml file