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New posts in internationalization

Set a locale in javascript

Check for hardcoded text in Rails views - I18n

C#.NET & Translation of external component

Angular internationalization (i18n) and *ngFor

Detect at runtime which country's App Store my iPhone app was downloaded from?

Is there an easy way to merge Localizable.strings files?

Resources for I18N in C++

c++ internationalization

What is the proper way to localize a static website

How to make i18n aware of "genders" in gender-sensitive languages like e.g. French

How can I relate Unicode blocks to Languages/Scripts?

Multiple plural forms in gettext()

Is there any way to detect an RTL language in Java?

In HTML and CSS, how do I make japanese text break lines correctly?

Changing the direction of HTML <title> tag to right-to-left

How to set language other than English as the development language and Base localization?

Multilanguage document in Latex

Translating Rails Timezones

How to control the capitalization of month and day names returned by DateFormat?

Country codes list - C#

JSF 2.0 set locale throughout session from browser and programmatically [duplicate]