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New posts in instance-variables

How to print the instance variables of a ruby object

Declaring an instance variable outside of `initialize` method

Is a boolean instance variable default value true or false

java instance-variables

When to use @ in a Rails View and when to use a symbol?

When to use instance variables and when to use properties

Case for not using Properties in Objective-C

Variable and Method shadowing in Java

Inner Enum in non-static context

Which run first? default values for instance variables or Super Constructors?

What's the Difference Between These Two Ruby Class Initialization Definitions?

ruby instance-variables

Should this method be a classmethod and why can't it access vars?

Can a class instance variable be excluded from a subclass in Java?

Calling methods on reference variable vs Calling methods on a new object

Why is it possible to override instance variables in PHP but not in Java?

Why do my controller's instance variables not work in views (Rails)

Ruby attr_reader allows one to modify string variable if using <<

ruby instance-variables

AVAssetImageGeneratorCompletionHandler - how to set or return variables?

unusual behaviour in delphi assembly block

Is it possible to compare private attributes in Ruby?

Hide instance variable from header file in Objective C