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New posts in instance-variables

What is the exact definition of instance variable?

How do test the value of an attribute in a controller instance variable?

How can I get an instance of a subclass of abstract class from a static method of another class?

Instance variable not set with redirect

What are best ways to consolidate instance variables (to pass data from controller to the view) in Rails?

What is a good way to memoize data across many instances of a class in Ruby?

Error: Cannot use instance member within property initializer - Swift 3

swift3 instance-variables

Rails Vuejs Webpacker: Passing instance variable data

Replace own instance inside a java object

Can Ruby subclass instance variables _overwrite_ the superclass's (same name)?

Better way to convert several instance variables into hash with ruby?

java - Should I use a global instance of java.util.Random, or construct one everytime it is used?

instance variable, class variable and the difference between them in ruby

Java: should I use "this" keyword or "m_" prefix? [closed]

java instance-variables

Python adding element to an instance's list also adds it to another instance's list [duplicate]

Access parent class instance variable

ruby instance-variables

Ruby instance variables and methods

ruby instance-variables

Local variables set to nil? (Objective-C)

Properties for Class and Its Subclasses Only

Setting default/empty attributes for user classes in __init__