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New posts in inline-assembly

Calling a function in gcc inline assembly

c linux gcc x86 inline-assembly

Inline Assembly in C

Can't force the use of 64-bit registers in GCC inline assembly

c gcc x86-64 inline-assembly

syscall from within GCC inline assembly [duplicate]

How does "+&r" differ from "+r"?

c gcc x86 inline-assembly

How to optimize DivMod for a constant divisor of 10

incorrect register '%rbx' used with 'l' suffix

Is there a way to disable inline assembler in GCC?

c++ c gcc g++ inline-assembly

Can an inline assembly (__asm) block prevent function optimisation?

Compile an asm bootloader with external c code

Why can't local variable be used in GNU C basic inline asm statements?

Creating a Hello World library function in assembly and calling it from C#

Working inline assembly in C for bit parity?

gcc inline assembly - operand type mismatch for `add', trying to create branchless code

How to do inline assembly in C++ (Visual Studio 2010)

GCC inline ASM with variable

GCC inline assembly error: Cannot take the address of 'this', which is an rvalue expression

Unconventional Calls with Inline ASM