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New posts in inline-assembly

c inline assembly loading a register value to esp register

SSE strangeness with Functions

d sse inline-assembly

volatile vs. compiler barrier with gcc inline assembly

Will gcc work correctly if "+m" is used as an output constraint?

c++ gcc inline-assembly

Inline assembler call for subroutine

GNU inline assembly optimisation

What is the right way to create a constant pool for inline assembly?

c gcc arm inline-assembly

Optimal implementation of iterative Kahan summation

Error: operand out of range (64 is not between 0 and 31)

Translate inline assembly to support x64

Is there an 8-bit atomic CAS (cmpxchg) intrinsic for X64 in Visual C++?

Inline assembly with intel syntax using LLVM: Unknown token in expression

c llvm inline-assembly

How to determine values saved on the stack?

Use of STREXEQ instead of STREX for spinlock implementation in ARM

How do I access local C variable in arm inline assembly?

c arm inline-assembly keil

Understanding Inline assembly in a pre-processor macro vs Inline assembly in a function

c gcc x86 inline-assembly osdev

Converting problem: __asm__ __volatile__ from GNU C to MSVC for in / out wrappers

How to use a macro in linux C inline assembly

c linux macros inline-assembly

What does __asm volatile ("pause" ::: "memory"); do?

Branch to an address using GCC inline ARM asm