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New posts in inline-assembly

GNU C inline asm "m" constraint with a pointer: address vs. pointed-to value?

c assembly gcc inline-assembly

Accessing class members from inline assembly in Visual C++

manipulating c variable via inline assembly [duplicate]

c assembly inline-assembly

Convert inline assembly code to C++

c++ inline-assembly

Visual C++ inline x86 assembly: Accessing "this" pointer

Inline Assembler: What scratch registers can be used?

What does the declaration“extern struct cpu *cpu asm("%gs:0");” mean?

gcc x86 inline-assembly xv6

Defining a variable inside c++ inline assembly

How can I accurately benchmark unaligned access speed on x86_64?

Does this gcc style asm with inputs=outputs require an early clobber?

gcc inline-assembly

Changing Array Values In Function - Inline Assembly

Unable to include ASM header file in C without losing preprocessor

how to write inline assembly codes about LOOP in Xcode LLVM?

cmpxchg for WORD faster than for BYTE

Bootloader - Display String Runtime Error

a Simple "Hello World" Inline Assembly language Program in C/C++

c assembly x86 inline-assembly

What does '__asm__(".previous");' mean?

Assembly syntax for masked vector Intel AVX-512 instructions

gcc intrinsic vs inline assembly : which is better?