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New posts in indentation

Vim indents C/C++ functions badly when the type and name are in different lines

c++ templates vim indentation

How to set bracket indentation behavior in ST3

CSS/HTML: indent whole block of text containing hard returns

css block indentation

Error: Can't locate File/HomeDir.pm in @INC

perl latex indentation

Emacs indentation difficulty

emacs indentation

HOWTO: Use reindent.py for dummies

python indentation

IndentationError from comment in python

python comments indentation

Vim textwidth comma indent problem

vim text-editor indentation

VIM html autoindent not working

vim indentation

How to correct indentation in android studio [duplicate]

1TBS for long conditional expressions

How to automatically indent the JavaScript code in Aptana Studio?

vim - remapping >> << (indent commands)

vim indentation remap

Can't indent UITableViewCell subclass

Indentation Error with Sublime Text

eclipse xml editor indent using spaces

xml eclipse indentation

Emacs: align text, but not the entire line?

emacs indentation

Is there an alternative to hyper-indented code?

Jade indentation errors

Indent, pretty-print code including Django template tags, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript [closed]