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New posts in hibernate

Hibernate JPA one-to-one saving child class entity

Hibernate-annotations 3.4.0.GA and slf4j?

Why does Hibernate attempt to "cache" and how does this work in a clustered environment?

Problem mocking hibernate's SessionFactory using Mockito

java hibernate mocking mockito

Can i use a set or List in this example?

LIMIT in Postgres not supported in HQL?

hibernate grails hql

use of @org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional outside of the DAO layer?

How to change hibernate mapping properties at runtime


Unable to build EntityManagerFactory

java hibernate spring jpa

Struts2 + Json Serialization of items

Creating databases at runtime with Hibernate?

java mysql hibernate schema

Generic ADO.Exception NHibernate

hibernate nhibernate

JVM crashing when using any other Hibernate inheritance strategy besides SINGLE_TABLE

hibernate mapping for oracle long raw

java oracle hibernate

When to use @Transactional's propagation=Proagation.REQUIRES_NEW?

Sequence Generator in persistence.xml

java hibernate jpa

Serialize a JAXB object via its ID?

java xml hibernate jaxb

separate mappingResources from spring hibernate LocalSessionFactoryBean

java hibernate spring

Hibernate Second-Level Cache: Does get use it?

Using native-sql in Hibernate - how to handle results
