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New posts in hibernate

Validation not working on spring boot and hibernate

hibernate says table does not exist but it is creating the table

spring hibernate jpa

Spring Data JPA saveAll not doing batch insert

Spring Data JPA - Database Issues Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms

How to get value of nested object of postgres jsonb column in spring boot

Implementing Pagination using entity manager in spring

The increment size of the sequence is set to [50] in the entity mapping while the associated database sequence increment size is 1

How can I avoid duplicate code with the same method body but different return types in Java?

Setting FetchMode in native Hibernate

java hibernate

What are my options to store and query huge amounts of data where a lot of it is repeating?

Hibernate Performance Tweaks

sql performance hibernate jpa

How do I do a custom projection with the Criteria API in NHibernate?

How to determine Collection changes in a Hibernate PostUpdateEventListener?


Hibernate Second level Cache <<net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider>>

hibernate @GeneratedValue correct?

java hibernate entity

Getting Hibernate Exception : org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property

Hibernate validator error - 4.0.2.GA

hibernate validation

How to check for a length of 5 or 9 with hibernate validator?

Hibernate Initial SessionFactory creation failed

java hibernate jsf liferay

Understanding Hibernate saveOrUpdate and the Persistence Life Cycle

java hibernate