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New posts in gsub

Removing leading zeros from alphanumeric characters in R

regex string r character gsub

R gsub a single double quotation mark

regex r escaping gsub

R extract first number from string

regex r gsub strsplit

keep only alphanumeric characters and space in a string using gsub

r regex string utf-8 gsub

Replace first occurrence of ":" but not second in R

regex r lapply gsub

Applying gsub to various columns

r dataframe gsub

Escape spaces in a linux pathname with Ruby gsub

ruby gsub

Use regex to insert space between collapsed words

regex r gsub

Replace ' with \' in Ruby?

ruby string gsub

How to remove leading and trailing whitespaces?

R: combine several gsub() function in a pipe

r pipeline gsub

How to remove specific special characters in R

r regex character gsub

Use gsub remove all string before first white space in R

regex r gsub

Ruby regex what does the \1 mean for gsub

ruby regex gsub

How can I remove non-numeric characters from strings using gsub in R?

r regex gsub

Using dplyr + gsub on many columns

r dplyr gsub

How to replace the characters in a string

ruby string gsub

Replace characters in column names gsub

r gsub

Ruby gsub with index/offset?

ruby regex string gsub

Subset string by counting specific characters

r regex gsub stringr stringi