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New posts in gsub

in R, use gsub to remove all punctuation except period

r regex replace gsub

Remove everything after space in string

r regex gsub

Regex return file name, remove path and file extension

regex r gsub

Using shorthand character classes inside character classes in R regex

r regex gsub

Ruby gsub doesn't escape single-quotes

ruby escaping gsub

How to backreference in Ruby regular expression (regex) with gsub when I use grouping?

Using named capture groups inside Ruby gsub blocks (regex)

ruby regex gsub

Remove all punctuation except apostrophes in R

r regex gsub punctuation

Remove pattern from string with gsub

r gsub

Replace multiple strings in one gsub() or chartr() statement in R?

r string gsub

Removing Whitespace From a Whole Data Frame in R

r replace whitespace gsub

Ruby match first occurrence of string for a gsub replacement

Lua String replace

Remove parenthesis from a character string

r string gsub

Ruby post title to slug

ruby string lowercase gsub

Replace multiple letters with accents with gsub

r regex gsub

gsub() in R is not replacing '.' (dot)

r regex gsub stringr

Ruby multiple string replacement

ruby string gsub

Replace specific characters within strings